Have gone through my first bottle of Vinia, working on the 2nd. Doing good so far! Haven't died yet - must be working! Vinia is good stuff! Have a great day! Remember John 14:6 ! ;-)
Have gone through my first bottle of Vinia, working on the 2nd. Doing good so far! Haven't died yet - must be working! Vinia is good stuff! Have a great day! Remember John 14:6 ! ;-)
Wow I can't tell you how much Vinia has been a game changer for me. I have been taking it faithfully for the last month and its been so helpful for my energy thru the day. Im an early riser and usually start my ay at 5:15 am and by the afternoon Ive crashed or on my 2nd latte. Since taking Vinia I get to just ejoy the taste of coffee and not need it for energy. I am more focused thru my day and know my body is functioning optimally.
I've been using supplements for over 30 years. I've tried all sorts of vitamins, minerals, herbs, mushrooms, etc in my search for things that work for me. When I started Vinia, I basically stopped everything else to give it a true chance. I am blown away with the changes I'm experiencing and I'm just getting started!
Decreases Endothelin-1 and increases Nitric Oxide which improves blood flow.
Rapidly enters into your blood in 20 minutes where it remains for 12 hours. It also has 2 peaks.
Increased the dilation of arteries by at least 70% for each person who took VINIA daily for three months.
Resveratrol is 82% soluble compared to Regular Resveratrol at 1%.
Red Wine Minus the Guilt
The benefits of red wine minus the alcohol, sugars, and calories. One VINIA capsule has the equivalent amount of Piceid Resveratrol as contained in a regular bottle of red wine or in 1000 red grapes.
Take a Look Inside
We harness the power of Piceid Resveratrol found in the skin of red grapes. Our breakthrough technology uses 99.99% less land than traditional agriculture. We grow grape cells that contain a matrix of bioactive molecules that contribute VINIA's efficacy.
When it comes to blood flow, you've got science on your side. No other blood flow superfood is packed with this much punch. Unleash the power of 1000 red grapes.
This is a great product with a wonderful sustainability story as well. The Piceid Resveratrol combined with the full bouquet of polyphenols from grape powder, derived through this novel bio-farming process, is far superior to the normal trans-Resveratrol supplements which are solvent-derived from Polygonum. This makes VINIA simply not comparable to a standard Resveratrol supplement. As an experienced functional and integrative physician and nutritionist seeing patients with complex chronic problems, I have found VINIA to be very effective and valuable.
Board Certified in Functional Medicine & Clinical
Fellow, American College of Nutrition
Member of BioHarvest Sciences Inc Scientific
Advisory Board
$45.00 $49.99
Gary H. (Verified Purchaser) on 07/13/22
I like this i have high blood pressure and it makes a difference in a natural way, i believe it is as advertised.
Crystal K. (Verified Purchaser) on 07/11/22
It has greatly helped pain I have been having in my legs, and have had no side effects thank you!
Peter B. (Verified Purchaser) on 07/11/22
I take a lot of supplements. I never know which is working or isn’t. I just take them. I was getting tingling in feet and hands while sleeping in the evenings. A few days after getting taking Vinia, The tingling sensations have ceased. I will continue to take this product into infinity.
Peter B. (Verified Purchaser) on 07/11/22
I noticed an improvement in blood flow right away. I no longer wake up with one of my hands having gone to sleep. Amazing I will definitely keep using this product. I have already recommended it to friends.
David B. (Verified Purchaser) on 07/06/22
I have mistreated my lungs with years of smoking tobacco cannabis and a few other things lol I had COVID was hospitalized twice and my pulse Ox would hover under 95% coming up to that percentage as a maximum. Any lower while active requires treatment and medication. After just one dose of Vinia on the first day I began measuring 100% consistently with low points reaching above my previous highs. Also when the data is graphed where a peek would normally top out at 100% then fall now remains pinned at 100%. It's a vast improvement. The energy and the cognitive difference are noticeable.
I stopped taking it for a day and although I did notice a slump in energy my pulse Ox didn't drop drastically just less time spent at 100% percent. Implying restored function and/or resilience of the product is greater than 12hrs
Robert K. (Verified Purchaser) on 07/01/22
Thanks Vinia for making a higher grade of reveratrol. The slower absorption is an interesting take and I think I like it. Thanks for helping me live a longer healthier life 👍
Sardor A. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/30/22
I have ordered one month supply at first to see if I notice any difference as the company claimed. Let me tell you, hell to the YES!!! Very first week taking this awesome magic supplement, my mood starting to shift for the better, the crazy energy was kicking in and overall focus was outstanding! It really works folks! I needed up ordering the full 12 month supply and shared it with my loved ones that have seen similar if not better results!!! This product is a life-saver!! Would love to see more supplements from you guys. Job well done, bravo! And no, I wasn’t paid or given a free product to give this sincere feedback;)
Zachary (Verified Purchaser) on 06/27/22
I havent had circulation or feeling in my left leg in 8 years, a week after taking vinia , I now have feeling again in my left leg!!
Shane C. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/25/22
This has no joke been a fantastic few weeks. My workouts have been better, my sleep has been better and my mood has been overall way more solid. About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with DVT (blood clots) in my right leg, and the doctors weren’t able to find the cause. So I was lost thinking I’d be on blood thinners my whole life and wearing compression socks. Most of the time, after being on my feet for a while I feel my legs get heavy and I can feel the blood pooling in my feet and it would be very uncomfortable. Now I’m a fit 25 year old male, this should not be something I have to deal with. I tried ginkgo, turmeric, garlic, anything that claimed to improve circulation, and nothing made a noticeable difference. But after a month or so of VINIA, I feel like a normal person. I am honestly super grateful and feel like this has actually changed my life, no joke. I have been looking for a natural way to improve my circulation and VINIA is 100% my answer.
Dixie H. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/25/22
Into second month of using,and feel that this has helped a great deal in the ache and swelling in my left knee. I was used to having pain off and on in this area. Have noticed reduced swelling and virtually no pain. Have not added anything but Vinia to my daily regimen, therefore am convinced this is the reason for my relief.
Christopher C. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/24/22
I’m now 6 weeks into my Vinia use and I’m feeling excellent energy and physically robust. I have a very active lifestyle and I’m glad I’m taking Vinia and will certainly continue.
Steve S. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/24/22
The most noticeable effect on me was better breathing. The product has improved my circulation and improved my oxygen intake. An easy addition to my daily routine to improve my overall well-being.
Michael K. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/22/22
I am a 64 year old male, vegan and have been on VINIA for forty days. At first I was not impressed. I got an email from VINIA saying don't give up give it ninety day. A few days later I really starting to notice the difference in my energy. The veins in my arms seemed to be a little thicker. Mental clarity was a little sharper. I am already in good shape and live a vegan organic lifestyle and am very familiar with high-end supplements. VINIA is top notch in my opinion.
I've had a carpet cleaning business for thirty three years and work physically every day. I have noticed a big boost in my energy and attitude while working. I will continue to consume VINIA daily. It is a great addition to my lifestyle.
Romeo C. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/21/22
Been taking Vinia for two months now. Since then, I’m no longer have the feeling of sluggishness. I feel lighter in every way, very alert, more energy eg. walk at least 3miles 3x a week. High intensity elliptical for 30min with maximum 160 heart rate and recovered very quickly. I have better clear thinking. And don’t react negatively on stressful situations.
Jordan H. (Verified Purchaser) on 06/19/22
I was on the edge for a while thinking it won't make a difference but I was wrong. After the first week, I notice an increase in energy. My workouts got better and the best part. After work 8-5 pm work week. I have more energy after work. My focus has gone up too. I'm able to think clear.